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The Lord is my shepard, I shall not WANT. What this means to me is that because I have a God I will have my needs met. When things are hard I can find comfort in knowing that there is hope at the end of the day. I will never be alone. Jesus hears my voice and attends unto my plea. When I cry he is affected by my tears. And when I fall he lifts me up and holds me until my tears subside. When I am hungry he will always provide. He has to. His word says so. When I am lonely he is there by my side. When I am thirsty he gives me to drink. When I am sick he is my healer. When I am homeless he gives me shelter. I have the greatest comfort in knowing that I do not run this race alone. Though I may face hardships and pain I have a friend and his name is Jesus. Because of him I shall not WANT. Psalms: 23:1 look it up.

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